Informations de voyage et vidéo sur Rojales

Informations de vacances, renseignements, photos et vidéo sur Rojales

Commentaires sur Rojales

Moyenne de toutes les appréciations - Basée sur 115 commentaires de voyageurs.




La région est magnifique, et la population est très sympathique et chaleureuse. D'autant plus qu'il existe un grand hôpital tout près où les services sont au top.

Notre sélection de locations de vacances dans la province de Baja del Segura - Baix Segura


Rojales is a typical agricultural Spanish village with the River Segura running through the centre of town and traditional cave homes which display a picture of the history of the area.

The town actually covers quite a large area with many popular residential urbanisations surrounding the town centre. The residential area is very attractive with pretty gardens and swimming pools.

The region is located just inland from the
coastal area of Guardamar del Segura on the southern Costa Blanca.

Shopping & eating
In the centre of town there are a variety of shops including three good supermarkets, as well as many restaurants include tapas bars, cafes, and pubs including an English and Irish bar. There are also several banks.

Culture & Attractions
In the town centre there is a very pretty church, a local museum and a lovely village square where you can sit and watch the world go by.

The nearby cave houses are great places to explore with their local art displays and there is a house with millions of shells on the inside and outside; a lifetime’s labour of love by its owner.

The river Segura runs through the centre of Rojales, it’s a lovely place to while away a few hours in the evening, where you can mingle with locals who enjoy ‘al frescito’ (sitting outside with friends) during the warm summer evenings.

Many excursions can also be made to most places of interest on the Costa Brava, as well as the many magnificent beaches of the area.


Rojales comes alive on Thursday mornings when the weekly market takes place beside the river in the town centre. People come from near and far to buy fresh vegetables and browse the bargains.

There is a road of very lively discos in Rojales near the Los Palacios end. A regular local hangout where the locals let their hair down on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings until the early hours.

Choses à faire pendant votre séjour

Commentaires sur Rojales

Moyenne de toutes les appréciations - Basée sur 115 commentaires de voyageurs.

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4 sept. 2016
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31 août 2016
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4 janv. 2016
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28 août 2012
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27 août 2012
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